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Tastes of Portugal

In addition to the bright sights, unforgettable holidays and travels to the most beautiful places in Portugal, guests of the country will be able not only to touch it, but also to taste it. Indeed, thanks to a colorful historical heritage, a wonderful mild climate, ancient traditions and rituals, Portuguese cuisine is unparalleled and is distinguished by its diversity and a huge number of ways to prepare all kinds of dishes. Many consider Portuguese cuisine quite simple and compare it to ordinary rural food, but a large number of positive reviews from even the most serious critics prove the opposite. Since even ordinary rural food in the hands of Portuguese culinary specialists becomes masterpieces, and sometimes dictate fashion in the world of food.
For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Portugal. The average cost of renting a car in Lisbon is 17 euros per day, in Madeira - 19 euros per day.

The first course is soup, you can try it in any establishment, be it a restaurant, a fast food restaurant or an eco-bar. Sopa de legumes, a vegetable soup very popular with the local population, is made from fresh vegetables bought at small local markets, which are quite numerous in Portugal. Caldo verde is a traditional green puree soup, a favorite dish not only of the Portuguese, but also of the country's guests. And no wonder, because potatoes, cabbage and smoked sausages are eaten all over the world. Fans of fish days will be happy to expand their culinary horizons with the unique Sopa de peixe fish soup, which is prepared from fresh fish parts and special spices. Especially for tourists, Sopa de Pedra - stone soup is served in restaurants. This dish is prepared from eggs, onions, garlic, lettuce and a small pebble, which is placed in the soup, and then traditionally given to the guest. Some consider stone soup to be analogous to Russian ax soup. Cold tomato soup in Portugal is unique and in great demand among visitors. The secret of this soup is the addition of spices, herbs and other natural gifts of nature. During the radish season, restaurants can try Sopa de Campo, a farmhouse soup made from radishes, garlic, carrots, and celery. In addition to being considered the first course, soup can be served as a full meal in Portugal, so don't be surprised if you are advised to end your meal with soup.

The main dishes of Portuguese cuisine consist of fish - the basis of many national dishes. Especially popular are sardines and dried cod - bacalhau. For example, Bacalhau com Natas - fried cod baked in foil with white sauce and potatoes and Bacalhau a Braz - finely chopped cod mixed with boiled potatoes and egg, are considered the most popular fish dishes in the country. In addition to this fish, you can enjoy an exquisite dish of trout, tuna, salmon, perch and eel. Seafood dishes are no less popular than fish dishes. Crab, shrimp, lobster, shellfish, mussels can be ordered at any restaurant, with any sauce, it all depends on taste and culinary preferences. However, the main idea of ​​all fish dishes is to serve fish in a simple form without garnish and sauces; as an exception, olive oil sauces are served. Unlike fish, meat is served with a lot of spices and sauces. Ensopada de Borrego - made from lamb meat fried with onions and fragrant garlic sauce, Cabidela - a gourmet dish made from rooster meat with blood and rice, sometimes boiled potatoes can be offered instead of rice. But, despite the variety of meat products, dishes are mainly prepared from pork, some restaurants only specialize in cooking baked suckling pig.

Those with a sweet tooth and connoisseurs of gourmet delicacies will not be disappointed with Portuguese desserts. A huge number of puddings, mousses, cakes, pies, muffins, cakes and other sweets amaze with their diversity and originality. Arroz Doze is a sweet rice pudding richly seasoned with cinnamon and lemon, captivating the country's guests with its unique refined taste. Pasteis de Nata are popular Portuguese pastries made from puff pastry and custard, considered a favorite delicacy of the locals. Quiejo de Figo is the original biscuit without flour and other common ingredients. It is prepared from stuffed almonds with cinnamon and figs, pressed into a cookie. Another original dessert, Baba de Camelo, made on the basis of condensed milk, captivates visitors not only with its taste, but also with its name - drool a camel or how delicious it is. As far as drinks are concerned, Portugal is home to the world-famous port wine. Red and white Sangria is popular among tourists, as a rule, this wine is poured either from a barrel or from a tall jug, and nectarine or peach is added before serving, sometimes sangria is infused with citrus fruits. In Portugal, you can try and buy real Madeira. A free-spirited and invigorating light drink.