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What to eat in Istanbul

Forget international food chains, in Istanbul you can and should eat what the locals eat. Here are some of the foods and drinks you must try in Istanbul.

For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Turkey. The average cost of renting a compact car in Istanbul is 20 euros per day, in Antalya - 17 euros per day.


Simit One of the most popular street food in Istanbul. Simit is similar to a pretzel, as it is a round bread sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Manti Although the origin of this dish is somewhat debatable, one thing is certain, it is very tasty. Dumplings (usually stuffed with lamb or beef) served with a yogurt and garlic sauce.

Kumpir Proof that everyone likes stuffed potatoes. Kumpir is a baked potato stuffed with butter and cheese and then topped with meat, olives, pickles and corn.

Balik Ekmek An Istanbul classic, Balik Ekmek is essentially a fish sandwich. Grilled fish, onion and lettuce are placed in a bun.

Pide Pide is a boat-shaped pizza made from pastry filled with various ingredients including minced meat, spinach, eggs, Turkish sausage, and veal.


Raki Known in Turkey as an alcoholic drink. Raki is an anise flavored liqueur often served with meze.

Ayran This drink is so popular that you can even find it in McDonald's and Burger King restaurants. It is a refreshing drink made from water, yogurt and salt.

Salep This winter warming drink was originally flavored with orchid tubers, but this type of orchid has now ceased to be used, as it has become extinct in some places. Now it is made from hot milk, sugar, flour and sprinkled with cinnamon.


Baklava You have probably already tried baklava, but it definitely does not compare to the baklava you will try in Istanbul. A sweet dish made from filo pastry, with nuts, dried fruits, syrup or honey.

Kunefe Made with wheat and cheese, kunefe is a mild-tasting dessert usually served hot.