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Perched on a hill overlooking Prague, Strahov Monastery stands as a monumental testament to the city’s rich spiritual and cultural heritage.

Prague is a city of picturesque buildings and streets that could have come straight out of a fairytale. We’ve put together a list of the best sights to visit in this beautiful capital city.
Start your trip with a tour of Prague Castle, one of the world’s largest ancient castles. It takes several hours to explore this massive architectural complex, but it’s worth the effort.

Traditional Czech cuisine is characterized by a wide variety of dishes. In addition, the products used in the recipes are high in fat, which makes it quite full meals.

Among all the cities of the Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary occupies a special place. It is known far beyond the borders of the country and in this respect it can compete with the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. The city is located near Bohemia, where several rivers merge at once - Tepla, Ohri and Rolava. By itself, this is not a very large city, no more than 54 thousand people live in it. It is located 120 kilometers from Prague, and 45 kilometers away is the border with Germany.

Perhaps there is no person who would not admire the Gothic buildings of old Europe. They amaze the imagination, and even an inexperienced layman recognizes the majesty of the architectural style. One of these buildings is St. Vitus Cathedral. The precious gem of European Gothic evokes awe and admiration for anyone who sees it at least once. No one can argue with the exclusivity of the cathedral, watching as sharp spiers pierce the chest of the sky. Despite the fact that the cathedral has a Gothic base, elements of both Neo-Gothic and Baroque are mixed in it. Therefore, if you decide to spend your holidays in Czech Republic, then visiting the church is your main task.

When it comes to the Czech capital, fabulous architecture immediately comes to mind - and these are the Gothic masterpieces of medieval masters, and mystical castles with strong walls, battlements, similar to the dwellings of beautiful princesses from fairy tales. Tourists from the very first minutes of their stay in this European city feel a pleasant and slightly exciting atmosphere - everything around is so unusual, touching and even fantastic.