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Ghent - the pearl of Belgium

Tourists begin their acquaintance with Belgium from Brussels. Yes, there is something to see there: the most beautiful square in Europe, the monument to the Manneken Pis, Audrey Hepburn house, and the smell of chocolate on the street drives even those who do not like sweets crazy. But only in cities like Ghent, you begin to understand the true history, slowly admire the extraordinary buildings and get incredible pleasure from a trip to a new country.
For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Belgium. The average cost of renting a car in Brussels is 20 euros per day, in Antwerp - 18 euros per day.
It is necessary to study Ghent from its Central St. Bavo square.
St. Bavo Cathedral
 - represented by one of the three forces - the power of Faith. It contains incredible relics. One of them: the work of the Van Eyck brothers "Adoration of the Lamb". The walls in the cathedral are painted with paintings by Rubens, and in its majesty the building surpasses all the most famous cathedrals in Europe.
The bell tower represents the second power - the power of citizenship. A dragon sits on the roof of the bell tower, protecting the city from enemies and symbolizing freedom.

City theater - the third force - the power of the mind. At the top of the theater sits Apollo, surrounded by muses. The theater has recently been completely renovated.
Walking along the tourist trails, it is impossible to pass by the St. George's Court, the oldest hotel in Europe, where kings used to stay in the old days. And admire the Town Hall, consisting of two architectural styles: Gothic and Renaissance.
Standing on the Zuvelbrook bridge, you can see Dulle Gritt (Mad Gretta) - this is a huge cast-iron cannon that has not fired for 400 years.
Another attraction of Ghent is the House of Aliins - in the old days it was a haven for unfortunate women who had no means of subsistence. In our time, the House of Aliins is a museum of folk crafts. His visit will be interesting to everyone without exception.
The count's castle is a huge fortress in the middle of the city. Previously, all guests of the city were required to visit him, otherwise the recalcitrant was threatened with execution.
Being on its territory, you gradually lose touch with time. It’s as if you are plunging into the past and only an exhibit that has not been removed in time, any modern exhibition, returns to reality.
The embankments of Graslei and Korenlei are the decoration and at the same time functional trading harbors of Ghent. Here you need to stop, remember the opening panorama, take a picture of this picturesque place.
Sint-Michelsbrook Bridge, St. Michael's Church, Het Pant (formerly a monastery, now a university). All the sights of Ghent cannot be described. You have to come here and wander for hours through the narrow streets, enjoying the ancient architecture, in order to definitely visit the house of the masons' guild - Metselarshuis. (Now it houses a tourist office). And then admire the "Fountain of the Kneeling", made by Georges Mine. The composition depicts five young people who are staring into the water, trying to find the answer to the eternal question of being.

And finally admire the bas-relief Mammeloker, it depicts the legend of Cymon. Tsimon was sentenced to death by starvation, but his daughter saved him by breastfeeding him.
Ghent is a city for connoisseurs, aesthetes, gourmets. He eats into the brain for a long time and does not leave. I want to return to Ghent to see the unique architecture once again, to plunge into history.