Autóbérlés Romániában

Béreljen autót Romániában 70% kedvezménnyel

Fedezze fel Romániát kényelmesen: Béreljen autót könnyedén

Fedezze fel Románia varázslatos tájait a volán mögül. Zökkenőmentes autókölcsönzési szolgáltatásainkkal csak egy kattintásnyira van attól, hogy az Ön feltételei szerint útra keljen. Bukarest történelmi utcáitól a varázslatos Kárpátokig megbízható járműveink gondoskodnak arról, hogy utazása gördülékeny és biztonságos legyen. Tapasztalja meg a rugalmasságot változatos flottánkkal, és élvezze a versenyképes árakat. Ráadásul barátságos, kétnyelvű támogató csapatunk azért van itt, hogy felejthetetlenné tegye romániai útját. Kezdje kalandját még ma – bérelje ki a tökéletes fuvart!

Ingyenes lemondás

Az ingyenes lemondás és módosítás legfeljebb 24 órával az autófelvételt megelőzően lehetséges. Kevesebb mint 24 órán belül 50 EUR lemondási díjat számítunk fel.

Legkedvezőbb ár garancia

Exkluzív díjszabásokat kínálunk maximális kedvezményekkel. A legelőnyösebb árakat kínáljuk, mindig az autóbérlő cégek kiskereskedelmi árai alatt.

A bérleti ár mindent magában foglal

Adók, repülőtéri díjak, felelősségbiztosítás, casco és kötelező biztosítás, korlátlan kilométer-használat* és autómentő szolgálat

Autóbérlés Párizsban

HU.....36 80088058
UK.....44 2036422248
FR.....33 184884679
DE.....0800 1818415
ES.....34 912768456

Átlagos autókölcsönző árak Romániában

Romániában az autóbérlés ára nagymértékben változhat számos tényezőtől függően, beleértve a jármű típusát, a kölcsönzés időtartamát és az évszakot. A látogatók átlagosan napi 20 és 50 euró közötti fizetésre számíthatnak egy turista osztályú autóért. Azok számára, akik egy kicsit több kényelmet vagy helyet keresnek, a középkategóriás járművek ára általában 30 és 70 euró között mozog naponta . A nyári hónapokban júniustól augusztusig tartó turisztikai csúcsszezonban gyakran emelkednek a bérleti díjak. . Hasonlóképpen, az árak emelkedhetnek a nagyobb ünnepek vagy fesztiválok idején. A legjobb árak biztosítása érdekében érdemes előre lefoglalni az utazókat, különösen, ha ezekben a csúcsidőszakokban terveznek látogatást. Ezen túlmenően a különböző kölcsönző cégek hosszabb bérleti időszakra vagy visszatérő vásárlóknak kedvezményeket kínálhatnak, ezért érdemes érdeklődni az esetlegesen elérhető különleges ajánlatokat. A teljes bérleti díj kiszámításakor fontos figyelembe venni az olyan járulékos költségeket is, mint a biztosítás, az adók és az olyan extra szolgáltatások díjai, mint a GPS-navigáció vagy a gyerekülések.

Az autó átvételéhez szükséges dokumentumok

Vegye figyelembe

{place} városban a kölcsönző cégek általános követelménye a nemzetközi jogosítvány megléte.

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések | GYIK

Condiții depozit și asigurare

Când efectuați o rezervare, vi se vor oferi mai multe opțiuni pentru asigurarea autovehiculului. Pentru o călătorie liniștită, cars-scanner recomandă să optați pentru o poliță de asigurare completă, care acoperă aproape toate tipurile posibile de daune. Aceasta se poate face pe site-ul nostru sau la biroul companiei de închirieri auto.

Fiecare mașină dispune de propriul set de caracteristici, care sunt jelzi în documentul de asigurare. Fiți atent când îl primiți și citiți cu atenție.

Condiții pentru traversarea frontierelor cu țările vecine

Doriți să luați o mașină și să vizitați mai multe țări deodată? Consultați în avans secțiunea Trecere Frontieră pentru a ști pontos ellátás határátlépési engedélyével.

Románia. Specială pentru închirierea de autovehicule

Clienții noștri pot beneficia de reductionri curente și oferte speciale. Desfășurăm în mod állandó promoții împreună cu numeroase companii de închirieri auto din România. Puteți obține cele mai bune condiții atunci când rezervați un autovehicul cu mult timp înainte (2-4 luni înainte de începerea perioadei de închiriere în perioade normale și de 3-6 de luniflînainte rînainte). Reducerile in astfel de cazuri pot ajunge până la 80%. În unele cazuri, puteți închiria un autoturism la un preț super de doar 1 EUR pe zi.

Când faceți rezervarea, fixați costul indicat în data curentă. Dacă, din anumite motive, călătoria nu va avea loc, puteți anula rezervarea gratuit cu 24 de ore înainte de ora de începere a perioadei de închiriere.

Condiții pentru anularea/modificarea rezervării

Formularul de anulare poate fi găsit pe site-ul nostru. Condițiile standard prevăd următoarele reguli de anulare: - Anulare gratuită cu 24 de ore înainte de începerea perioadei de închiriere- Se percepe o taxă de 50 euro pentru anulări mai puțin de Esăulăncaite 24 de oreasîcte4 de ore dacă încercați să anulați de la momentul începerii închirierii.Vă rugăm să rețineți că unele oferte speciale pot modifica politica de anulare; citiți cu atenție termenii și condițiile pentru a vă planifica bine vacanța.

Întoarcerea mașinii în alt Oraș

Pentru a afla posibilitatea și costul returnării unui autovehicul închiriat în alt oraș, bifați căsuța "întoarcere în alt loc" și căutați opțiuni. În rezultatele căutării vor fi afișate doar acele companii de închiriere ellátási engedély returnarea mașinilor într-o altă locație. Prețul indicat pe site-ul nostru include deja tariful pentru sens unic.

Népszerű helyek Romániában:


Customer reviews
Average Rating 4.7/5 , 12954 opinions
Nayeli Andrade - 4.3 / 5
Renting a car in Romania turned out to be a swift and pleasant experience. The vehicle selection was vast and all cars seemed well-maintained. It was also quite affordable, which was a lovely surprise. Moreover, touring Transylvania by car allowed us to enjoy the scenic routes at our own pace. The customer service was helpful, answering all our questions promptly.
Trey Sampson - 4.5 / 5
I was genuinely impressed by the hassle-free booking process when I rented a car in Romania. The prices were competitive, and the added convenience of picking up the car right at the airport saved us valuable time. The car was clean and in excellent condition, making our road trip comfortable and enjoyable.
Adelina Pennington - 4.6 / 5
Our car rental in Romania was an absolute breeze. The staff was very professional and made sure we had all the necessary information. The roads are great for driving and having a car gave us the freedom to explore hidden gems that are not accessible by public transport.
Rory Hendrix - 4.6 / 5
The car rental process in Romania through the platform was straightforward and transparent with no hidden fees. We received a near-new car that exceeded our expectations in both comfort and performance. The rental desk was easy to locate, and the return process was just as simple as the pickup.
Marley Delgado - 4.3 / 5
I have to commend the car rental services in Romania for their impeccable customer service. Our car was a recent model, very clean, and reliable throughout our journey. Instructions were clear and precise, ensuring that we had no issues navigating the procedures.
Bria Norton - 4.1 / 5
Renting a car allowed us to see Romania at its best. From Bucharest to the painted monasteries of Bucovina, the car was a dependable companion on various road conditions. It also gave us the flexibility to change our itinerary on the fly, which we greatly appreciated.
Maria Leon - 4.3 / 5
I found a fantastic deal for a rental car in Romania, and the value for the price was unbeatable. The car performed well on both city streets and mountainous terrain. I was extremely satisfied with both the vehicle and the rental process, which was user-friendly and efficient.
Irene Branch - 4.7 / 5
Through Cars-Scanner, I secured a car rental in Romania which provided a seamless pick-up from Bucharest. The process was simple, and I got to choose from a wide range of up-to-date vehicles. With the car, I could easily visit the castles and drive along the picturesque Carpathian mountains at my own pace.
Bobby Hodge - 4.1 / 5
Romania's car rental process surprised me with its efficiency. The customer service was very accommodating, even when we needed to extend our rental period last minute. The car's GPS was a lifesaver in navigating through the country's charming villages and historical sites.
Mason Chang - 4.3 / 5
Having a rented car allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the Romanian landscapes. We could stop by local markets, take spontaneous detours, and discover the local culture much more intimately than we would have through public transportation. Returning the car was also straightforward with no long waits.
