Najam automobila u Argentini

Rent a car u Argentini uz 70% popusta

Istražite Argentinu udobno: unajmite automobil s lakoćom

Otkrijte čuda Argentine svojim tempom uz naše besprijekorne usluge iznajmljivanja automobila. Od veličanstvenih Anda do užurbanih ulica Buenos Airesa, putujte kroz raznolike krajolike i živahne gradove u potpunoj udobnosti. Naš vozni park nudi različita vozila koja odgovaraju vašem putovanju, osiguravajući pouzdanost i sigurnost. Doživite slobodu otvorene ceste, uz 24/7 korisničku podršku i konkurentne cijene. Započnite svoju avanturu danas i stvorite nezaboravne uspomene, vozeći kroz srce bogate argentinske kulture i prirode koja oduzima dah.

Besplatno otkazivanje

Besplatno otkazivanje i izmjene do 24 h prije preuzimanja. U slučaju da je preostalo manje od 24 h, bit će obračunata naknada za otkaz u iznosu od 50 EUR.

Jamstvo najbolje cijene

Nudimo ekskluzivne cijene s maksimalnim popustima. Naše cijene su najpovoljnije i uvijek su niže nego maloprodajne cijene tvrtki za najam automobila.

Sve uključeno u cijeni najma

Porezi, naknada zračne luke, zaštita od odgovornosti prema trećim stranama, kasko i osnovno osiguranje, neograničena kilometraža* te pomoć u slučaju kvara

Najam automobila u Parizu

UK.....44 2036422248
USA...1 3128435785

FR.....33 184884679
DE.....0800 1818415
ES.....34 912768456

Prosječne cijene najma automobila u Argentina

U raznolikoj i slikovitoj zemlji Argentini , putnici se često odlučuju za iznajmljivanje automobila kako bi istražili sve od užurbanog grada Buenos Airesa do veličanstvenih krajolika Patagonije. Prosječne cijene najma automobila u Argentina mogu uvelike varirati ovisno o nizu čimbenika uključujući vrstu vozila, trajanje najma i sezonu.

U prosjeku možete očekivati ​​da ćete platiti od 40 do 70 USD po danu za ekonomičan najam automobila. Međutim, za putnike koji traže više udobnosti ili prostora, SUV-ovi i veći modeli mogu se kretati od 90 do 150 USD dnevno. Cijene također mogu varirati ovisno o potražnji, često rastu tijekom vrhunskih turističkih sezona kao što su prosinac do veljače i srpanj, što se poklapa s ljetnim praznicima odnosno skijaškom sezonom.

Kako biste dobili najbolje ponude, preporučljivo je rezervirati unaprijed , osobito ako planirate putovati tijekom visoke sezone. Dodatni troškovi poput osiguranja i dodataka također mogu utjecati na ukupnu naknadu za najam, stoga je važno da iznajmljivači pažljivo pregledaju svoje ugovore o najmu kako bi razumjeli sve povezane troškove.

Dokumenti potrebni za preuzimanje automobila

Vozačka dozvola
Kreditna kartica
Imajte na umu

U uredima tvrtki za najam automobila možda će od vas tražiti međunarodnu vozačku dozvolu.

Često postavljana pitanja | FAQ

Condiciones de depósito y seguro

Al reservar, se le ofrecerán varias opciones para el seguro del automóvil. Para un viaje tranquilo, cars-scanner recomienda que contrate una póliza de seguro completa, que cubre casi todos los daños posibles. Puede hacer esto en nuestro sitio web o en la oficina de la compañía de alquiler.

Cada coche tiene su propio conjunto de características, que están indicadas en el documento de seguro. Tenga cuidado al tomarlo y lea a través de

Condiciones para cruzar fronteras con países vecinos.

¿Desea tomar un coche y visitar varios países a la vez? Consulte la sección de Cruce de Fronteras con antelación para saber exactamente qué fronteras permiten el cruce.

Argentina. Oferta especial para alquiler de coches

Nuestros clientes pueden utilizar descuentos y ofertas especiales actuales. Realizamos constantemente ofertas conjuntas con muchas compañías de alquiler en Argentina. Puede obtener las mejores condiciones al reservar un coche con antelación (2-4 meses antes del inicio del tiempo de alquiler en períodos normales, y 3-6 meses antes de la temporada alta). Los descuentos en tales casos pueden alcanzar hasta un 80%. En algunos casos, es posible alquilar un coche a un precio súper de EUR 1 por día.

Al reservar, se fija el coste indicado en la fecha actual. Si el viaje por alguna razón no tiene lugar, puede cancelar la reserva de forma gratuita 24 horas antes del inicio del tiempo de alquiler.

Condiciones para la cancelación/modificación de la reserva

Puede encontrar el formulario de cancelación en nuestro sitio web. Las condiciones estándar proporcionan las siguientes reglas de cancelación: - Cancelación gratuita 24 horas antes del inicio del tiempo de alquiler- Cobro de 50 euros por cancelación con menos de 24 horas- El precio total del alquiler debe pagarse cuando intenta cancelar desde el momento del inicio del alquiler.Tenga en cuenta que algunas ofertas especiales pueden cambiar la política de cancelación; lea detenidamente los términos y condiciones para planificar bien sus vacaciones.

Devolución del coche en otra ciudad

Para averiguar la posibilidad y el costo de devolver un coche alquilado en otra ciudad, marque la casilla "devolución a otro lugar" y busque opciones. En los resultados de la búsqueda, solo se mostrarán aquellas compañías de alquiler que le permiten devolver coches a otra ubicación. El precio indicado en nuestro sitio web ya incluye la tarifa de sentido único.

Najbliže zračne luke: Ezeiza airport
Customer reviews
Average Rating 4.7/5 , 12954 opinions
Dante Davenport - 4.7 / 5
Renting a car in Argentina was an absolute breeze! The car selection was extensive, offering various models that fit my needs and budget. The vehicle I chose was in pristine condition, and the check-in process was quick and painless. Having my own transportation allowed me to explore Argentina at my own pace, and I discovered so many hidden gems along the way.
Wesson Thomas - 4.3 / 5
I recently rented a car for a road trip through the scenic routes of Argentina, and it was a fantastic experience. The customer service was top-notch; the staff were professional and provided me with helpful travel tips. The rental process was streamlined, and I was on the road in no time, enjoying the comfort of a reliable car.
Aliana Snow - 4 / 5
The convenience of car rental in Argentina can't be overstated. From the online booking to vehicle pickup, everything was seamless. The car I received was well-maintained, clean, and perfect for the varied landscapes of Argentina, from bustling cities to serene countryside.
Rayan Salgado - 4.1 / 5
I was hesitant about renting a car in a foreign country, but this experience changed my perspective. The online booking platform made it incredibly easy to compare prices and find the best deal. Plus, the 24/7 customer support was reassuring, knowing help was a call away if needed.
Nayeli Barajas - 4.6 / 5
My Argentina road trip was greatly enhanced by the freedom of having a rented car. The vehicle was fuel-efficient, which was perfect for extended drives. Plus, drop-off was just as smooth as pickup, no unnecessary delays or paperwork hassles, which is exactly what you need when traveling.
Carolyn Choi - 5 / 5
In Argentina, renting a vehicle allowed me to indulge in the country's rich culture and breathtaking landscapes at my own pace. The car I rented was up-to-date with the latest features and offered a comfortable ride throughout my journey. A rental car here is the way to go for those seeking adventure on their own terms.
Emmaline Shelton - 4.1 / 5
I appreciated how straightforward and transparent the car rental process was in Argentina. No hidden fees or surprises, and the terms were clear. Additionally, the insurance options provided the needed peace of mind while navigating unfamiliar roads.
Kamryn Pittman - 4.7 / 5
Going through the car rental process was effortless and efficient. I was able to select a car that suited my adventurous spirit, perfect for the varied terrain of Argentina. The vehicle's reliability and performance were unmatched, and it truly enriched my travel experience.
Milani Trevino - 4.6 / 5
Renting a car while vacationing in Argentina proved to be an excellent choice. I had the flexibility to visit remote vineyards and quaint little towns that would've been tricky to reach otherwise. The car was equipped with GPS, which made navigation a breeze, and it handled the roads beautifully.
Tucker Santana - 5 / 5
When I decided to rent a car in Argentina, the diverse fleet immediately caught my attention. The staff at the pick-up location were friendly and knowledgeable, making sure I was well informed about driving regulations. The car I received was exactly what I wanted – comfortable, clean, and efficient.
