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The best places in America

America is a fantastic country. We can say that all other countries revolve around it. First, it is the dollar, the currency on which literally everything depends. Secondly, America is the center of the show. Artists of any other country are trying to take an example from the West. Well, an offer to one of them to work in America means entering the world level.

America is such legends as Whitney Houston, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and many other outstanding personalities. 

Like in any other country, America has many wonderful places, but many, going here, did not even hear about them. In this article we will talk about such places, such beauties.

Every day, tourists go to America, pre-ordering a car rental. In New York, the average cost of a compact car is 17 euros per day, in San Francisco - 19 euros per day.
The first of these is the city of New York. This is a great place, like a city of the future. These are thousands of emigrants from other countries. New York is one of the centers of fashion. It is this city that young artists dream of conquering.

Many have seen the beauty of the Grand Canyon in the movies, but seeing this amazing place with your own eyes is a completely different matter. Scientists say that this canyon has existed for more than 6,000,000 million years.

New Orleans is, first of all, the gastronomic center of America, so all gourmets should definitely visit it.
Yellowstone National Park
occupies vast territories. You can spend many days exploring all its natural, geological, geyser and rock beauties.

It is hard to find a person who has not heard of a guy named Harry Potter and has not seen at least part of the movie or read at least one book. Millions of fans of the history of Joanne Rowlin - a big "army". A person from among them should definitely visit the world of Harry Potter, the world of magic, which is located in Los Angeles.

Walt Disney World is called "the happiest place" on the planet, and this is true, because their motto is - no sadness, no crying. For example, if a child accidentally dropped ice cream in order not to be sad or cry, he was given a new portion of ice cream for free. Once in the world of Walt Disney, you can feel like a part of it all, or even the main character of the story.

Las Vegas is truly a wonderful place. Every day at least one couple gets married there, every day someone wins a big sum in the casino, every day in Las Vegas someone feels like the happiest person on the planet.And, of course, Hollywood. For America, Hollywood is like a filling for a cake, the most delicious. For some reason, many people think that it is the capital of the country, even if in fact it is the city of Washington. Everyone should at least once in their life visit the Hollywood Hills and, of course, the Walk of Fame in order to take pictures and touch the stars touched by the eminent hands of Orlando Bloom, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and many others.