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Sights of Madrid

The capital of Spain is an ancient and glorious city with great traditions, sung in songs and numerous romances. Spain is also rich in the masterpieces of architects who came here from all over the world. There are even special tours over Madrid that introduce tourists to the achievements of the world's best architects of the last two centuries on the streets of one city. You really won't see this anywhere else.

Long before the trip, many tourists book a car in Spain online in order to get a favorable rental rate, see more attractions and not depend on tour groups. In Barcelona, ​​the cost of a compact class car starts from 15 euros per day, in Valencia the cost is about the same - from 14 euros per day.

Antiquities of the Spanish capital

However, there are more than enough antiquities here. The first and most important of these is the Royal Palace, majestic, built in the manner of classical architecture, with a huge square with fountains, more than two thousand rooms, one of the richest collections of weapons, paintings and other works of art in the world. In principle, you can devote the whole day to him alone - and this will be enough to get to know Spain perfectly.

If a visitor to the capital is interested in art, then he should leave another half a day for the world-famous Prado Museum near the magnificent Neptune Fountain - a colossal collection of all art objects for a couple of thousand years. First of all, it is dedicated to paintings, and more to Spanish artists, although not only by far. Many interesting events and specialized expositions are held inside.
Other attractions will seem no less interesting, for example, monasteries or large temples, such as the Almudena Cathedral from Romanesque times with crypts of great people and ancient families, as well as the Encarnacion Monastery, which is a female one.

Walking, eating and relaxing

You can walk and look around, as well as skimp on the Plaza de Mayor, the central square of the city, and relax, if it gets hot in summer, in Del Retiro Park, with its rich fountains and backwaters, where you can even swim in a boat. Even the more popular Oeste Park, which is closer to the Royal Palace, can argue with it, and where you can spend time not only relaxing and walking, but also in numerous excellent eateries, restaurants and other pleasant places.

No less interesting are the gardens of Descubrimiento, which are dedicated to monuments and park sculptures. They guarantee a more intellectual and sublime pastime. Here you can meet many prominent people of Madrid, scientists, politicians and businessmen, people of the "highest circle" often come here.