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Interesting cities in Catalonia

If you are on vacation in Costa Brava or Costa Maresme resorts, you should not limit yourself only to sunbathing and swimming. The Spanish land of Catalonia is full of amazing historical and cultural attractions, and trains ("sercanes") are cheap and fast. In Figueres city, there is an interesting museum of Salvador Dali, where presented a huge collection of the artist's works.

Those who like to travel by car usually book a car in Spain online in advance. In Barcelona, renting a compact car will cost from 14 euros per day, while in Madrid it is slightly more expensive - from 17 euros per day.

The maestro himself is buried here, in the underground part of the building under the famous "space dome". And Zaragoza is the city of another Spanish artist, Francisco Guy. The spirit of Arab rule is still felt here. The palace of the Saracen kings of Almeria dates back to this period of the city's history. And the Cathedral of San Salvador was built by the hands of hired Muslim architects, so his style - "Mudejar" - gave it an extraordinary charm.

Zaragoza is also home to the famous Baroque Basilica of Maria del Pilar with the "Pillar of the Virgin Mary". 30 km from Barcelona, ​​in the beautiful mountains, there is the Monastery of Our Lady of Montserrat. The main shrine of the monastery is the Romanesque statue of Our Lady made of dark wood. In the museum at the monastery you can see paintings by Degas, Picasso, Monet, Dali.

It will take not one, but at least three days to explore Barcelona. But as a day trip, you can walk along the Ramblas and visit Gaudí's creation - the Sagrada Familia (Sagrada Familia).