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Peniche - Portuguese paradise for surfers, fishermen and beautiful sunsets lovers

Peniche is a tiny town on the edge of Portugal and also the westernmost city in Europe. Not to be confused with Cape Roca, which juts out into the Atlantic Ocean just a little further and is the westernmost point of Eurasia. But about him another time.

An excellent assistant for tourists in Portugal is the online car booking service. In Faro, the average cost of renting a compact car will be about 15 euros per day, while in Lisbon you can rent a car from 12 euros per day. Rates may vary by season, rental length and additional special offers available.

is not a resort village, ordinary Portuguese people, fishermen and sailors live here, who start their day with aromatic coffee and delicious paste, then go fishing for the whole day, and in the evenings they disassemble and repair the nets on the shore, and insolent seagulls they shout tirelessly and beg for fish, not at all afraid of people.

Here you can go without choosing,
to any restaurant and everywhere you will be served the freshest seafood that floated this morning, fragrant pumpkin soup, homemade wine or sangria and a dessert that will impress even the last skeptic. And the prices will pleasantly surprise you, especially if you have just arrived from Lisbon.

The ocean here is somehow special,
stern and gentle at the same time, fierce and naive like a child looking at the sky with turquoise eyes. And the sand dunes, stretching along the wide strip of the beach, gently embrace the foamy waves. During the day here is a paradise for surfers, there are several training centers, shops with equipment, in general, everything that brave athletes may need. And in the evening, night fishermen take their places on the cliffs and breakwaters and, walking along the coast, through the sound of the surf, you will now and then hear the whistle of thrown spinning rods and see the green lights of their floats.

Peniche is located on a small peninsula
connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. And if you like walking, then you can easily bypass it all along the coast, every now and then offering you stunning views of the wild. At the very western end of the peninsula, there is a lighthouse and a restaurant where you can rest and take great photos. And pleasure boats, departing from the central pier of Peniche, will rush you to remote islets and, if you are lucky, you will see dolphins, and maybe even whales.

Peniche is not a tourist town,
it is just a place where one would like to spend at least a week to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy a different life. Or maybe even stay forever.