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The sights of Italy are a combination of luxury, splendor and perfection.

Those who have been to Italy have realized for themselves that in many cities you can relax both body and soul - enjoy the view of stunning places and plunge into the multifaceted world of adventure, entertainment and relaxation. One can endlessly enumerate the sights of this country, charming at first sight, where almost every city is an attractive resort, and a historical monument is a world heritage. 

Rome, Naples, Florence, Venice are cities that enchant and inspire, and their inherent hospitality is associated with organizing educational excursions for their guests. Every corner of Italy is imbued with the spirit of history, attracts with natural charm and relaxes the soul and body. Ancient architecture delights with the pomposity of the Baroque, the fabulousness of the Gothic, that is, a rich variety of styles that reflect the beauty and perfection of perception in past eras of the beautiful and sublime.

Long before the trip, many tourists book a car in Italy online in order to get a favorable rental rate, see more sights and not depend on tour groups. In Bergamo, the cost of renting a compact car starts from 15 euros per day, in Rome - from 18 euros per day. When renting for a longer period, you can get a discount.

Architecture majesty

The architectural heritage of Italy is contained in many unique buildings that deserve special attention with the stunning beauty of cathedrals, temples, churches, majestically decorating the streets and squares, amazing with Gothic towers and the luxury of bas-reliefs of Baroque facades. Italy fills with positive and from natural attractions, conquers the comfort emanating from the resort places of the coast, the luxury of beautiful beaches and the greenery of Mediterranean vegetation on the rocks. The mystery of some well-preserved castles brings to mind breathtaking tales with beautiful princesses, brave knights and dangerous dragons, while the surrounding nature of majestic buildings gives peace and relaxation. Travelers who come to Italy discover the splendor of nature in many national parks, nature reserves, where nature dominates, reflected in the richness of flowering plains, the charm of lakes, and also in the sea charm of the southern coast.

Description of the most striking sights of Italy

• The Trevi Fountain everyone who sees, calls a magnificent sight, spewing streams of water. The rich and sublime statue of ancient deities is skillfully captured in stunning sculptural compositions, called by the whole world masterpieces of architecture, art and culture. The gigantic miracle fountain powerfully and beautifully shows the power of the elements combined with grace, and the sculpture of the sea god Neptune in the center testifies to the greatness of the ocean and is surrounded by assistants, symbolizing prosperity, calmness of the sea on the one hand, and the formidable temper of the storm on the other. The fountain serves as a worthy "attachment" to the same magnificent palace and is so thought out in the smallest nuances of the unique creation of the correct proportions that it surprises with the mastery of the stylistic decision of decorations-decorations. The miracle produces natural melodies of the sound of water jets and streams flowing beautifully in foamy waves.

• The Sistine Chapel reflects the harmony of the greatness of the Apostolic Palace, representing the residence of the Pope. The beautiful chapel is known throughout the world as a true architectural wonder, surprisingly similar to the temple of King Solomon described in the Old Testament. The interior design is amazing with a rich abundance of frescoes depicting biblical scenes. The ceiling, made up of intertwining vaults and decorated with skillful paintings, delights with airiness and volume, and the paintings of the great Renaissance master Michelangelo depict the sublime grandeur of the Kingdom of God.

• The Leaning Tower of Pisa causes delight and surprise at the same time - the building "falls" with a deviation from the vertical axis. The tower with the bell tower is made up of eight levels, and the whole uniqueness is that this miracle hospitably awaits guests who want to see the panorama of Pisa from the height of the building. The building serves as a fun decoration for the Square of Miracles and raises a lot of questions related to the mystery of the slope and makes you think about the contradiction of physical laws and gravity.

The facades are made in the Romanesque style and are decorated with decorative galleries, covered arches and graceful columns, and the whole appearance of the building captivates with an openwork effect.In Italy, the number of attractions just rolls over! The Grand Canal of Venice, the leaning Leaning Tower of Pisa, the amazing and frightening Colosseum, the magnificent Trevi Fountain and the magical Sistine Chapel, decorated with frescoes, are real treasures of Italy. Energy of incredible power is observed in many cities, where centuries-old history and rich culture are reflected.