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The most interesting sights of Hungary according to tourists' opinion

Millions of tourists from all over the world visit Hungary every year. This country over the past few years has become an unusually attractive place for travelers. The reason lies in the many unusually beautiful objects of the country's cultural heritage and absolute safety for tourists. The locals are very welcoming and this is also one of the main factors in the popularity of the small Balkan country.

Every day, tourists go to Hungary, pre-ordering a car rental. In Budapest, the average cost of a compact car is 15 euros per day.

Buda Castle
with a long history, during which it was destroyed several times in wars, and then restored. This is probably the most famous architectural landmark of Budapest. This magnificent palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is much loved by tourists.

is the name of a village and a natural plain near Debrecen. This is one of the cleanest natural parks in Europe. Many large wild animals, birds and domestic rare breeds of livestock live here, which are bred by farmers, including to attract tourists. Here you can go on a safari and see real desert mirages, if you are especially lucky.

The stunningly beautiful Pec city in the south of the country attracts tourists with the unusual architecture of the Christian Necropolis and medieval cathedrals. The city has many museums that keep the memory of the great events of Hungarian history. Also nearby is Villani, where you can taste many local quality wines.

The Holloku (Holloko) village in the north of Hungary has preserved the original appearance of all the houses. Residents maintain ancient traditions, wear national clothes, celebrate their holidays in a special way, and it is this unique way of rural life that attracts tourists to this area. Easter is celebrated here with great fun, arranging many contests and pouring water on the girls so that their life develops in the best possible way.

Esztergom city on the Danube is famous for its magnificent basilica and the Christian Museum. This is a relatively small city, quite quiet and perfect for those who do not like noisy places, but simply love to wander along the old European streets with interesting museums.

The plateau of Balaton Lake is a great place to have fun visiting numerous cultural festivals, tasting a variety of Hungarian wines and having fun in noisy companies. From the hill of Tihansky Abbey, you can see almost the entire expanse of Lake Balaton.

Baradla Domica is a cave located right on the border of Hungary and Slovakia and you need special permissions to visit it in its entirety. Here you can see interesting natural formations with bizarre names, such as Stefan's Tower, Fairy Castle and others. Stalactite formations also look attractive.The second largest city in the country - Debrecen is interesting for many architectural monuments, beautiful medieval buildings and cultural events. Hungarians are a cheerful people and are very fond of their annual flower festival, which is held in Debrecen.

Eger Fortress is located in the city of the same name in the north of the country. This castle is known for historical battles with the Turks in the 16th century. It has been reconstructed many times and now it is a large museum with various cultural events: exhibitions, presentations, performances on historical topics. In the city you can enjoy the special taste of the local wine variety "Eger bull's blood".

The small town of Szentendre in the central part of Hungary attracts a cultural and creative audience. Here, many artists present their work in various galleries, and museums support intellectual interest in this place.There are many more attractions in Hungary and everyone will find a place to their liking. This small country contains an amazing combination of local traditions and a common European lifestyle.