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Transport in Greece

Greece is a wonderful country that everyone dreams of going to. Let's look at what is the most convenient way to get around from place to place.

Taxi is one of the most common and convenient modes of transport. It is worth noting that all taxis in Greece are equipped with meters, and as for tips, it is not customary to leave them here. It is a popular practice here to sit with other passengers, which allows you to pay only for the part of the journey that you have traveled. You just need to make sure in advance that you are on the way with other passengers. Catching a taxi is quite simple, all you need to do is raise your hand on the road or find out where the nearest taxi rank is.

Long before the trip, many tourists book a car in Greece online in order to get a favorable rental rate, see more attractions and not depend on excursion groups. In Athens, the cost of a compact class car starts from 15 euros per day, in Crete the cost is about the same - from 14 euros per day.

If you want to visit several Greek cities at once, intercity buses will help you with this. However, during the trip, you may encounter problems, since the bus attendants practically do not speak English. Therefore, it is best to plan your route in advance using the bus operator's website.

It is worth noting that during the journey the bus makes several stops so that passengers can rest and have a snack. In some cases, the driver can stop near one of the roadside restaurants, for which he will receive a percentage of the visit from the owner. If you are planning to save on your trip, it is best to take your food with you. It is also worth noting that during the stop, the driver will close the doors and you will have to wait outside.

Boats and ferries are another popular form of transport in Greece. They ply between the numerous islands. When choosing a sea trip, you should first calculate the travel time, since the ferry can make several small stops on small islands until it reaches its destination. If you value your time, you should take advantage of the Flying Dolphin (enclosed speed boats).

One of the unpleasant moments can be when the car is parked on the ferry. This is due to the fact that locals are used to parking very closely to each other, so do not be surprised if your doors are blocked and you have to use the window.

If you decide to go to the capital, then here you can take the metro. It is worth noting that you just have to visit it, as outwardly it resembles a real museum. The construction of the metro went hand in hand with local archaeologists. All artifacts found during the excavation are located in the metro lobbies for everyone to see.