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Tours in Hannover, Germany: interesting places and sights of the city

Hannover is the center of Lower Saxony, located in Germany on Leine River. Its offers for a quality and interesting holiday are very diverse, so it makes sense to come here not for a couple of days, but for a couple of weeks.

For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Germany. The average cost of renting a car in Hannover is 15 euros per day, in Bremen - 16 euros per day.

Sights of Hannover

You can start your exploration of Hanover with the most popular route among tourists, called the "Red Line", which allows you to see 36 sights of particular importance for the city.

The beginning of the route is located at the building of the Main Station, and then continues along the streets of the city. During such an excursion, you can see the New Town Hall, Krepko Square, the Opera House, as well as admire the expositions of several museums, for example, the museums of Lower Saxony, Kestner and Spregel.

The Old Town offers tourists a visit to the Old Town Hall and the Market Church. The Old Town Hall is a magnificent architectural monument built in the 15th century.

Of interest for consideration is the Church of St. Egidius, built during the Middle Ages and restored in our time after the devastating hostilities. An interesting attraction is the Herrenhausen Garden, decorated with very beautiful sculptures and fountains.

The sights of Hannover are located in a variety of areas, so the choice of a place to stay is not decisive when choosing a hotel.

It is worth paying attention to the level of service and the cost of rooms, which can be helped by a system that makes hotel reservations all over the world via the Internet, providing complete information on each object.

In many areas of the city there are beautiful parks and galleries, as well as interesting museums. In the evening, you can visit the numerous nightclubs of the city, offering a vibrant cultural program every day.

A visit to the local zoo Erlebnis, located not far from the center, will help diversify your vacation. The zoo has created excellent conditions for its inhabitants, as close as possible to the real ones that exist in the wild.

The special design of the enclosures creates a unique atmosphere of the place, which is attractive for adults and kids.

Fascinating excursions in Hannover

Another striking attraction of Hannover is Lake Masch, which hosts a variety of events and national holidays.

In winter, an excellent skating rink is organized on the lake. The Berggarden garden is perfect for active recreation, on the territory of which there are many picnic areas, children's playgrounds, as well as special paths for cyclists and pedestrians.

It is interesting to spend time in the Sea Life Aquarium, where fascinating excursions are held, as well as original shows are offered. You can look at the process of feeding predatory fish, which is breathtaking in its sharpness, or at performances with the participation of aquatic inhabitants.