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Kotka: sights and places of interest

Kotka is distinguished by gorgeous landscapes created by nature itself and the richest landscaping. That is why local parks deserve special attention.

Those who like to travel by car usually book their car in Finland online in advance. In Helsinki, renting a compact car will cost from 16 euros per day, and in Tampere a little more - from 21 euros per day.

Water park

This amazing place is located at the confluence of Sappoka Bay and the shores surrounding it. The park was equipped about 20 years ago, and today it attracts absolutely all tourists. Lovely streams flowing between the green exhibits evoke peace and tranquility, and the falling waterfall evokes admiration and emotional outburst!

Isopuisto Park

The oldest park in Kotka, built around the church of St. Nicholas. This park is famous for its abundance of flower beds that bloom throughout the warm season. There are other plants and trees that keep the park green throughout the year.

Museum Tsarskaya Dacha

It is also called the Imperial Fisherman's House, it is located on the banks of Langinkoski - a waterfall in Kotka. A small dwelling was built in 1889, where the royal family of Alexander III lived. The arrangement of the house and the external decoration has been preserved to this day, only they have been functioning as a museum since 1993.

Maritime Center Vellamo

The "youngest" attraction of Kotka, but already very popular with tourists. It hosts exhibitions dedicated to shipbuilding and the main port regions of the country.


This is an aquarium that has become the first in all of Finland. The uniqueness of this place lies in the fact that it is the only artificial reservoir with salt and fresh water. The abundance of fish, shellfish and other inhabitants of the underwater world leave the most wonderful impressions.

While in Kotka, you can also visit the Maritime Museum, natural attractions, the Kymenlaasko Museum of Provincial Art and many other interesting places.