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Tours in Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, founded in the 6th century, is the political, economic and cultural center of the country; the main city of Belgium was destined to become the capital of a united Europe.

For a comfortable trip, many tourists prefer to use car rental services in Belgium. The average cost of renting a car in Brussels is 15 euros per day, in Antwerp - 17 euros per day.

Today in Brussels there are about 167 thousand inhabitants. Tourists who come to the Belgian capital on their own usually begin their acquaintance with its sights with a visit to the Grand Place, which many experienced travelers consider the most beautiful in the world.

On the central square of Brussels, you can admire the colorful 15th-century town hall with a 96-meter tower, the famous "King's House", as well as elegant buildings that belonged to the guilds. The town hall tower is not located in the middle of the building, so it looks asymmetrical - this gives the Brussels town hall a special flavor. Monarchs have never lived in the "King's House", which, however, does not reduce the attractiveness of this object.

Not far from the Grand Place is the "Mannequin Pis" - the fountain, considered the most famous in the world. It has long been a tradition to dress up a 58-cm bronze boy in various outfits, each time this procedure, which attracts a large number of Brussels residents and tourists, takes place with the participation of a brass band. "Manneken Pis" tend to see all the guests of Brussels, who come to the city at least for a few hours.

Independent rest in the Belgian capital involves getting to know its most remarkable temples. The greatest interest among tourists is the Brussels Cathedral with two towers, founded in the XIII century. The Royal Palace, the Royal Galleries of St. Hubert, the Palace of Charles of Lorraine deserve the attention of lovers of educational tourism. The decoration of Brussels is considered to be four buildings erected in the Art Nouveau style according to the designs of Victor Horta.

One of these buildings houses the Horta Museum, a famous architect who became one of the founders of the Art Nouveau style. Other Brussels museums include the Royal Museums of Fine Arts, the Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Comics. The most visited objects in Brussels include the Mini-Europe park, which allows you to see small copies of famous sights from different countries and the Atomium building.